yoga etc. #17 (it's easier to breathe)

yoga etc. #17

And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about.

- Haruki Murakami

I sat on my couch for days watching the news.

Glued to my screen, I knew I needed to get up. I knew I needed to shift the stagnant energy in my body. I needed to breathe. I needed to move. But I couldn’t. I sat paralyzed. I was holding my breath, and I couldn’t let go.

And when we finally got the news on Saturday. I exhaled.

I exhaled for the first time in four days—the first time in four years. Shivers ran down my spine; goosebumps up my arms. Tightness in my chest evaporated. Tension I didn’t realize was there released in my shoulders and my face. Was I clenching my jaw for the last four years?

Too many of us have felt like they couldn’t breathe over the last four years. We’ve been holding our breath—living in fight or flight mode, overwhelmed, anxious, disassociated, and trying to keep it together. And on Saturday, I could nearly hear our collective exhale. The release of it all, of four years of wondering if love does win in the end (and it’s not the end—I know that. We have a lot more to do.)

But today, it’s easier to breathe. We get a chance at finding peace—of resetting and healing. Take time to move and welcome fresh new breath. Let yourself feel without creating a story about why or whether you're allowed to. Remove judgment, welcome compassion. Because when you have compassion for yourself, you'll be able to have it for others.

To move out of our heads and into our bodies—that’s the challenge. To be present with our bodies and to allow ourselves to feel without judgment, without explaining the feelings away—that’s the practice. To come together with compassion, honesty, and respect—that’s how we heal.

Let's flow together—but apart

I'm here for you—for class, for advice, for anything that you need. I'm just a phone call/text/DM/email away. My online class schedule is below—I hope to see you on the (virtual) mat soon!

Mindful morning flow
A love letter to my morning birds; those getting their move on before the 9-5 grind. It's 60 minutes of powerful and grounding mindful movement to gently wake up the body for the day ahead.
Tuesday + Thursday at 7.30am BST

Foundations flow
A nod to the curious; for those new to flowing and those looking for a slower flow. It’s 45 minutes of breathwork and movement, where we’ll deconstruct poses and explore the foundations of a physical practice.
Wednesday at 12:30 pm + 5:30 pm BST

Sunday soul flow
Some yin and some yang; a longer class of contrary and complementary movement. 60 minutes of powerful and mindful flowing to the beat followed by a set of restorative poses to close out the week.
Sunday at 5 pm BST

Weekly writing prompt

  • Scan your body—write about how every body part feels using a different descriptor each time starting from your toes up to your forehead. (15 minutes)

Other musings

  1. If you watch one thing about the U.S. election, let it be this. Character matters.

  2. Roxane Gay: I am shattered but ready to fight

  3. Like my new photos? They're taken by the insanely talented Des Iles

  4. Public art takes on racism: “I am not your scapegoat”

  5. Ghosts of contacts past

  6. Thanksgiving inspo: pumpkin pie for two

  7. Beauty brands' commitment to diversity was short-lived

  8. On repeat: Anything and everything Khalid x Alina Braz

I love you x

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yoga etc. #18 (honoring yoga's roots)


yoga etc. #16 (planting a rose bush in my backyard)